Maybe I found a bug in Quad PiP


Vu+ Newbie
I have found a bug in Quad PiP but I am not sure if lack of information caused it.
Parental control doesn't work on Quad PiP and it shows them lock free.
My box is Ultimo 4k whit Black Hole 3.0.5
What VU+ model do you have? Only the 4K ones can have it. And, at least in OBH, you must install it as a plugin. I don't remember if in the 4K images is already available or, even there, you need to install the plugin.

In the last line I pointed to the box model (Ultimo 4K)
Which plugin allows me to lock the channels in the quad pip?
I think you did not understand the problem!
I'll explain the situation again
I put the +18 channels in Blacklist
In the Parental Control menu, I set four numeric tokens
I change the status of the channel lock to "YES"
In this case, go to the "Quad PIP" menu and select four +18 channels from the Blacklist
All 4 channels are displayed without lock

Well :) Is this a bug or my inability to know enough about the menu and the box (Thank you google translated) :))