Request Media Player sort order


Vu+ Newbie

I can't see any sort ordering option in "Media Player".
I use Wild Media Server in my PC to share my videos with my TV and VU+. My Panasonic TV show the files on media server sort ordered by date but VU+ show by name. I want to sort order videos by date on my VU+ solo2 but it's not possible at this moment. is it possible to add this option in the next version?

Thank you.
Thank you so much.
It's a wonderful addon. but I have a little problem. It doesn't go to next video after finish one video. Is there any way? or maybe it do that by default but I changed setting.
Thank you so much.
It's a wonderful addon. but I have a little problem. It doesn't go to next video after finish one video. Is there any way? or maybe it do that by default but I changed setting.
Im never see this posibility but try look to menu this plugin maybe you find...