Mediaplayer bugs


Vu+ Newbie
Hello everybody.
I am the owner of a Duo2.
I installed OBH last January and I update regularly.

The buttons to manage the playback of the recordings (play, pause, stop, etc.) are consistent in the usage and work flawlessly.
I cannot understand why those same buttons do not work with the MediaPlayer. If I push the 'pause' button, it pauses the Mediaplayer playing, but then pushing the 'play' button does not resume playing; in order to resume playing, I have to push the right arrow on the central disk of the remote control; that resumes playing but leaves the Mediaplayer menu on the screen and it takes a few other button pushes to remove it. Quite cumbersome. I wonder why it was programmed like that.
Lucky you, there were more serious bugs in OBH media player when I started using openATV few months ago, like not being able to automatically change the refresh rate according to the movie that is going to be played. The inability to fast forward properly was another issue, don't know if they have been fixed yet.
As for your problem, I *think* pressing pause button again was resuming playback.
Sorry if that doesn't work though, probably recalling it from another image used in the past. :)
Actually, the 'pause' and 'play' button are the same button; playing does not resume by pushing that button.
Again I do not understand why the usage of the Mediaplayer was not programmed to be similar to the usage of the normal TV recordings, which would be the more natural choice.
I noticed other bugs: for example audio and viideo sometime go out of sync with MediaPlayer.
I have a lot of videos saved on USB drives and I would like to be able to see them flawlessly with my VU+ machine and OBH. Or I will be compelled to move to another Enigma 2 image. I kindly ask to the more experienced users and possibly to the coders to suggest a solution.
I still cannot understand what mediaplayer is useful for. I've always used the standard built-in function to play videos: REC LIST button and that's all.
In case I need to play files of any kind sequentially, there is EMC where you can select the files to play.
Mediaplayer is totally useless and very uncomfortable with its playlists.
As I already wrote, my need is to play videos from USB drives. I am not aware that from the REC LIST button it is possible to access videos in USB drives. Is it? Please tell me how.
Mediaplayer would make it, if it were not so cumbersome in its use and badly integrated with OBH (so why does it come with the default OBH image then?). I am open to any other working and practical solution. Please, what is EMC? I have also KODI installed, I tried to access the directories in the USB drives from KODI but I did not succeed, I do not find the KODI GUI intuitive. If someone would like to give me some directions in this regard too, he is welcome.
As I already wrote, my need is to play videos from USB drives. I am not aware that from the REC LIST button it is possible to access videos in USB drives. Is it? Please tell me how.

If you use OBH, you have full access to every devices. Have you ever tried to press the REC LIST button twice? ;)

Please, what is EMC?
Enhanced Movie Center

I have also KODI installed, I tried to access the directories in the USB drives from KODI but I did not succeed, I do not find the KODI GUI intuitive. If someone would like to give me some directions in this regard too, he is welcome.

KODI? OMG: the thing that has always made me hypernervous with its absur logic (I should say ILlogic).
Kody is the OMETC, "Office to make easy things complicated".
You can install Enhaced Movie Center from Open black hole server
green>>yellow>>Addons Download manager>>OBH Plugins>>Enhanced Movie Center

After you have to setup Enhanced Movie Center
(TIP you can use OBH skins with EMC if you enable in Setup)

Short info:

After you enabled EMC
you can start EMC with video button
If you press Menu button , you have option Create link >> OK >>Menu>>switch to file list >>In list of storage devices you have your USB stick or harddisk >>
select with green button your USB hdd or USB stick
After you have in your Movie list usb.
Of course if you only use USB without the HDD in the box
then the procedure is different for all players mediaplayer/movieplayer/EMC
Setup recording/play movie disk in Setup panel>>Record,Playback & Timeshift panel>>Recording & playback>>Default movie location>>Menu>>switch to filelist>>
example : location USB >>green button

So your USB stick/Usb HDD is now main location for recording and play .

All this i have test with OBH image and ultimo 4K but i think is the same for all.


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The solution was already present in OBH, but I did not know it.
And it is a simple and effective solution.
After pressing the REC LIST button, it is simply a matter of pressing the LOCATION (yellow) button to show the list of 'locations' to browse from. USB devices connected on the fly are automatically mounted and a corresponding entry appears in the list of available 'locations'.
Now the playing of the videos is perfectly consistent with that of the TV recordings.
Sometime I do not see what is in front of my eyes (however the integration of the Mediaplayer sucks :D).
Is there any good reason to give a try to the EMC?
Thanks for the kind support.
I have added 2 .mkv files on the internal HDD on my vu ultimo, then i have opened the plugins menu and chosed to play via: media scanner and with media player.
The files opened ok (with the 2 options) BUT veeeeryyy buggy, i mean, when i hit fastforward, the waiting white/blue bubble pop-up for... minutes, also when i have selected YES to play where left, the movie has started at the beginning :)

I understand that the media player on OBH is buggy, my question/request is:
EMC is a media player also ? If not can someone recommend me a good media player for OBH ?

Thank you
I always get surprised when people talk about this MediaPlayer plugin: in many years I've been a BH user before and a OBH now, I had never had the need of Mediaplayer. I tried a couple of times and I was almost laughing? What is it needed for, particularly in OBH.
Browse your HDD as I said in post #9 and just play it (by the OK button, of course). As simple as that. No playlists, no waste of time.
And EMC (which was almost indispensable when I was a BH user) is now almost useless. But yes, it is a player too.
Hmmm ok Alex :)
Played around with emc... not bad imho, but with a big minus... no subtitles !!! Only embedded. With media scanner and media player if i chose embedded without language selection the player add the srt file uploaded by me, so i have my subs (ok have to setup the sync, still is ok)

I will try the 2xrecord button :p
If I'm not wrong, using the same name for the .srt, also EMC was able to use it, but it was long time ago.
About the K_ey, obviously, you meant 2x "REC LIST" button, not the "record" (red square in the player section of the remote), didn't you?
Ooops my bad, is the R with 3 lines (on the right of the Menu button)
I just hit it 2 times and hmmmm the emc has popped up :)))

I will uninstall IF the subs not works, and yes the srt has the same name as the movie (with the .srt extension of course)

Merci Alex :)