Message onscreen BlackHole 2.17


Vu+ Newbie
VU+ Duo2
I am shutting down BH 2.1.7 after setting the recording start time then letting the recording start its self, when starting I get ‘NO’ on the box LCD and my Monitor shows a popup ‘Question : Recordings are in progress or coming up in a few seconds : Really shut down now NO / YES. How do I stop this popup please ?
VU+ Duo2
I am shutting down BH 2.1.7 after setting the recording start time then letting the recording start its self, when starting I get ‘NO’ on the box LCD and my Monitor shows a popup ‘Question : Recordings are in progress or coming up in a few seconds : Really shut down now NO / YES. How do I stop this popup please ?
Shutdown mean you POWER OFF your box and during this state NO SERVICES are avaiable from your box.
If you want to perform something action, put your box in STANDBY.
Thanks, i'm sure you have answered my question, on another image I have been using the Shutdown menu offers a 'Deep Standby' option, which gives the white dot on VU+ display then allows a preset timer start without popups or need of user input.
BH 2.17 (Has no 'Deep Standby') but still works and carries out a timer recording after using the 'Shutdown' menu option apart from getting the popups and asking for user input.
Just an update, slightly off topic for BlackHole posts but 'Open BlackHole' works, records a pre-timed recording after using the Shutdown menu option without popups or user input required.