Move video to watch on VU+

Abo Firas

Vu+ Newbie
Hi folks!

I am using VU+ Duo with the latest BH image. I have got some movies on my computer that I want to move to the hard disk of my VU+ (I do not want to stream from my computer) so that I watch them on my TV. I tried to move the videos by DCC to the folder movie but that was not possible. The video size is 1GB .avi. What am I doing wrong?


Option 1.
Easiest way is put these movies on usb stick or usb disc and plug it on box.
Go to media player find a stick or disk and then start a movie.

Option 2
Do a mount cifs of computer hdd or folder and use a media player to watch movie.

Option 3.
FTP the movies media/hdd/movie and then watch over R (video) button or media player
Thanks Mito!
Zupy thanks a million mate! I really like your Kramer!
There seems to be a connection issue that I solved and DCC worked just fine after a restart!