Moved Disk , can not record


Vu+ Newbie
I have moved my disk from Vu+ Solo2 to Vu+ Duo2
after that I cannot do any recordings
I can see and play my old recordings

What to do?

Sven Åke
You probably need to map it, via the menu.
then I check
Blue Panel > Black Hole Settings > Devices Manager > Mountpoints ...
Disk mounted as /media/hdd
Timeshift is working
I have also done
chmod 755 movie
in /media/hdd

Sven Åke
Try going into the menu, Setup, System and click on the hard drive, for a file system check, then check the Recording Paths, a little lower down.
If all else fails you can try initializing the drive, after backing up any files you want to keep.

Just noticed your post, while I was checking the menu paths.