Movie Cut timings bug


Vu+ Newbie
Has anyone ever noticed that if you try to cut a recording and you choose to cut before this point, the actual cutting will be 0.7 seconds off?

For example, if I want a recording to start playing on the time 00:02:42.201 (hh:mm:ss), I actually have to make the "cut before" on the time +/- 00:02:42. 901

I have BH 3.0.3C VU+ Solo2

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No, it's not like you say. Actually, cutting a movie is not like cutting a text file: you cannot (safely) decide to set a cut point wherever you like but you should choose only the K frames.
Anyway, look for this subject over the Internet.
Coming back to MovieCut tool, it just put the real cut in the first appropriate frame before the marker that you set.
So, it's not a fixed 0,7 s: it might be from 0 to about 1,5s, more or less.
If you need almost perfect editing you have to use software like Avidemus or the like. This is my favourite for important tasks. Otherwise, for the everyday need of removing unwanted parts from recordings, moviecut is great (and I always set the markers a little bit after the IN so not to loose anything).