Movies and subtitles


Vu+ Newbie
Is it possible to get subtitles to work with .ts files?

I have some trouble playing certain MKV:s and I have to convert them to TS with TsMuxeR, but when I do this the VuDuo can't display the subtitles.
Putting a .srt-file with the same name as the movie doesn't work when the movefile is a TS, if it is a MPG,MP4,AVI the .srt file is recognized.
Why is this?

(I´m using OpenPli 1.0 2010-12-12_master.)​


Vu+ User+++
You can use a DDamir subtitle player with .ts files also or try to convert a subtitles in UTF-8 format.


Vu+ Newbie
The subtitle-file (.srt) is saved as UTF-8.
I tried DDamir Subtitle Player but it didn't sync with the movie. It just displayed the first sentence and then stopped. If I pushed the OK-button sentence nr.2 would display, OK again -> nr.3 and so on.


Vu+ User+++
Ddamir sub player works ok with mkv (I tesed it few times) but somethimes is not easy to sync it (player is make to work for movies with 25fps and mkv could be a different one)


BH Lover
I think it's about time vuplus team to implement subtitles fix in the cvs, that was done loooong time ago by pli team.


Vu+ User+++
That is not committed with playing a media files???
The problem is to get subtitles to work with .ts-files.
You can always use Subtitle player and play it without problem.