My VU+Solo want boot....


Vu+ Newbie
Hi !

Ive tested to update my vu+ like always on the menu, but this time it would not start at all.
I tested to reinstall my image Open Pli 2.1 and it did start again, then the same thing when I tested to update, dead....

Then I have seen that i must update new bootloader and did that, then I try to take a newer Open Pli from 20120102 and then it want start att all. Know I cannot reeinstall at all. Only red LED on the front.

Help me! Anyone maybe knows how to do? I have dreambox too but there i´ve Dreamup to fix the dreambox but now i don´t know how to do.

Really need som help here.

Hi !

Ive tested to update my vu+ like always on the menu, but this time it would not start at all.
I tested to reinstall my image Open Pli 2.1 and it did start again, then the same thing when I tested to update, dead....

Then I have seen that i must update new bootloader and did that, then I try to take a newer Open Pli from 20120102 and then it want start att all. Know I cannot reeinstall at all. Only red LED on the front.

Help me! Anyone maybe knows how to do? I have dreambox too but there i´ve Dreamup to fix the dreambox but now i don´t know how to do.

Really need som help here.


First of all it's needed the output of serial console.
Second thing: when you try to update Solo bootloader, the led blink green?
I´ve tested that too, but the program says that i should "start or restart your machine" and then nothing...
When i do that its the same... nothing happening....
1. Extract the image
2. Enter into CFE mode.
I´ve tested that too, but the program says that i should "start or restart your machine" and then nothing...
When i do that its the same... nothing happening....
1. Extract the image
2. Enter into CFE mode.
Please report here the output of serial console during flash and normal boot process.
I don´t understand what you mean?

1. connect your box and your PC via serial cable
2. open on your PC Hyperterminal or minicom or other serial comm. software
3. establish connection between PC and box with serial port with these parameters: 115200,8,n,1
4. prepare your box to flash a fresh image and report here serial output
5. boot regularly your box and report here serial output

If you use DM boxes, you should be practice to this kind of outputs and softwares ....
I´ve herd that maybe i have killed the box. They think I´ve used bootloader for Duo and not for the Solo. When i´ve done anything like that on a Dreambox then I can use dreamup to fix a dead dreambox with RS232 null moden kabel and it should fix even a VU+ I think. But it seems that VU util i tested not working. Have tested even VU util2.01. Any idees here?