Need help recording on vu+solo!!


Vu+ Newbie
Hello! I am new to this kind of box. Can anyone help me. I am trying to record on my box. Have bought 32gb usb to rcord on. How do I go about recording on it. I have read instructions but cannot get it to work. Can anyone give me advice please????
Hello! I am new to this kind of box. Can anyone help me. I am trying to record on my box. Have bought 32gb usb to rcord on. How do I go about recording on it. I have read instructions but cannot get it to work. Can anyone give me advice please????

Into HowTo section there is a tutorial to show how to record on USB stick: follow it :)
Tried formatting usb. Set partitions settings and box rebooted. When I went to device started searching for devices but then system crashed.