Need picons for vu+duo2

Hi all respected members i need many satellites picons like hotbird nss95 else so guide me where can i download picons

If you use blackhole 2.1.5 ( full hd skins ), give it a try to halus61 picons 220x132, search on this forum for halus61 picons, or download it from the addons feeds!

best regards
can you tell me in detail plz i am using 2.1.5 black hole image in my duo2 so i need lot of satellites picons so guide me how and where can i download picons
can you tell me in detail plz i am using 2.1.5 black hole image in my duo2 so i need lot of satellites picons so guide me how and where can i download picons

The picons i said ---> download from here ---> Halus61 picons --->

Map a usb pen drive like /media/usb and create a directory named /picon

Expland the zip picons files to a directory on your pc ---> copy to picon directory on your usb key on using a ftp program

Or, instead download it from addons feeds, using your remote control.

best regards
dear can you tell me about that website where i could download my own choice picons

If you use blackhole 2.1.5 FullHD skins ( matrix skins ) --> You may use halus61 transparent picons ( 220x132 ), they look great with this skins!

best regards
Thanks nunigaia yes i am using blackhole 2.1.5 FullHD image and i need Nss 95,93,105.5,100, E and many other satellites picons so plz help me how and where i can get my fevourite picons