Net media on vu


Vu+ Newbie
Hi, Once I have solved my speed lan problems, I have a new one. I shared my movies folder on Windows 7 with the special features that are needed to be seen on vu. Later I have configured the net point on vu with cifs share. I restart vu but I can´t see the mount point. When I was on Windows XP there is no problem on it. Is there a special configuration on vu to see the Windwos 7 share folders? I only put the PC IP, cifs share and the directory movies shared.
Thank you. With Windows XP, i see the share folders as a third option in the player menu. For example. When I enter in player, I can see the three different locations, hard disk, flash and the name of pc. In Windows 7 is the same or I can see the net entering in flash?
I will give you more information. I have shared the folder in pc with the special features as anonymous logon. Then, in the tuner I have created a new mount point with cifs shared option, the ip of the pc and in the field user I have writen "user" and in the password "pass". Is that ok?
Hi gabijgg!
Do you share youre guest account or?
In Windows 7 you have to share guest account with logins.
Activate guest account and password.
account: Guest
password: xxxxxxxx
good luck
I have real the complete tutorial that appears in the link and it seems that no guest account permissions needed. I only create the folder and give full permissions for everyone. That is what I have done. I have tried to use the same user and password that I have on pc, but nothing runs.
All working fine now!! The clue, or I hope so it´s the clue, first must créate the user and password in the pc because while it´s not created, the tuner will not recognized the media. I do it that way, then configure the password in the tuner and all is working now. It´s not needed to créate a specific user to the tuner.