networking - iptables


Vu+ Newbie
I've trying setup firewal/nat for Solo4k and last image have no kernel support so opkg install iptables failed. Why these modules are not included? The 3g modem is working but my Eth is out of connection to internet then and I don't want bridging to different subnet. Sorry for complex question.

The reason for routing is that I'd like to have always the same localnet with different modems or wifi connections to outer internet from VU+ device (because I use various method for connecting to internet - 3g/LTE dongle, normal wifi, android LTE tether). And I don't want to always use external router, in certain conditions. Thats all is not possible with simple bridging (neither brctl script neither vuplus plugins such as 3g modem manager).

For example I would like to setup rules like this (and got failure result):
iptables -A FORWARD -t filter -i eth0 -m state --state NEW,ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT
modprobe: FATAL: Module ip_tables not found.

The result is quite obvious because Installing iptables package failed:
# opkg install iptables Installing iptables (1.4.21-r0) on root. Downloading iptables: unsatisfied recommendation for kernel-module-nf-defrag-ipv4 iptables: unsatisfied recommendation for kernel-module-nf-conntrack iptables: unsatisfied recommendation for kernel-module-ipt-masquerade iptab ... (and so on...)

At least there should be somewhere a list of BH version with iptables kernel support compiled in. This is quite essential feature for advanced networking. By my opinion, the CPU inside all 4k versions (at least) is strong enough to tackle this, unless one do extremely heavy tasks such as multiple transcodings etc. Using iptables would allow extremely elegant solution, so why these kernel modules are missing?
Actually the kernel support for IPTables is not enabled.
We evaluate in the future if enable it or continue to keep disabled it.

Why this evaluating process takes such long? It has any security / license consequences or so?
Or it affects stability? At least for newer devices with strong enough cpus it wouldn't cause problems. Or there are some fears that the chipset parts may get hot (or damaged in long term) when routing (internet) packets through?

(By my opinion, it should be enabled (not loaded automatically though) for all new ARM-based units which have all strong cpus and enough memory, for older devices it would probably need type by type testing.).
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Why this evaluating process takes such long? It has any security / license consequences or so?
Or it affects stability? At least for newer devices with strong enough cpus it wouldn't cause problems. Or there are some fears that the chipset parts may get hot (or damaged in long term) when routing (internet) packets through?

(By my opinion, it should be enabled (not loaded automatically though) for all new ARM-based units which have all strong cpus and enough memory, for older devices it would probably need type by type testing.).
Because the kernel configuration for BH images is heavly customized and every change needs heavy tests.