New blackhole duo issues


Vu+ User
This new experamental image is not doing me good,ive made another cock up and shouldnt have used it has anyone for gods sake got any ideas on what image to install.this has been going on for weeks now and between vix new and blackhole new i cant get the box to work properly,this one is solid with regards to somethings but the epg is defo flawed .what about updates,advise please???
What is wrong with the epg ?
You post is useless without specific information.
BH epg ?
crossepg ?
To start with.
none of them work ive tryed the lot.And if there do show up there disapear within ten minutes...
duo version 4 2012 experimental 1.7.2
Think ive got things to where i want.|Epg is working all the channels are solid.No fingers crossed.
I managed to get the best from epg by using XEPGDB for uk and and italian rytec.
ive even managed to play a usn movie by transfering the file to playlist then it plays perfectly.
just need to keep fingers crossed but can say this the 1.7.2 experimental is doing me good.