New to Vu and with problems


Vu+ Newbie
Hi everyone,

My landlord replaced the old stb we had with a new one. It's a Zero model with black hole 3.04. He said that some more settings needed to be applied for the satellite to work.

On the bouquet list, I see the same as I used to see with the previous STB, all cables are connected well, and the channels actually show image, but:

- Some of the iptv channels are not working at all.
- Satellite channels, freeze constantly, image and sound stay frozen for a while and then start again (This happens all the time). Cannot be because of the dish orientation, because with the previous STB it worked perfectly.

Is there some kind of initial set-up that may be pending? Could anyone please point me in the right direction?

Thank you very much, looking forward to your answers.

Kind regards,

Thanks for your answer, Excuse my manners, I introduced myself already :)

First of all I am a complete newbie, so Im not quite sure where to start to give you info. I will try my best.

My STB came with a lot of channels loaded on it, the issue happens with FTA and premium channels equally. Also happens on both HD and SD. So far with all satellite channels I tried, IPTV works fine when the channel load.
Regarding frequencies, polarities and signal quality, I do not know where to find those.

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For channel information try pressing the OK button, twice, or bring up your channel list, by pressing the up/down button, on the centre of your remote, and then the menu button, and use the required option.