New to VU


Vu+ Newbie
Hi everyone, I need to replace my dm800hd with a new receiver and i was thinking of getting
the solo2.

I've had enough of rubbish Chinese clones and now will jump ship to an original, is the solo2
a good replacement?

I have a few questions, if someone doesn't it mind answering?

1. are images easy to flash?

2. are epg's easy to download and update?

3. which is the best image for the solo2?

4. are usb wifi dongles plug and play? I have a belkin one hoping it will work?

thanks in advance.
1} Flash image is very very easy you mast only copy files to usb and up box after this you see info about remove usb and reboot next you see your image in box.
2} Epg you download by push only one bouthon in menu [please look to my HOw To on forum you see how made this]
3} Image BH is best to used on solo2 and you will be have suport this image on this forum becouse this is home site BH team