New VU+ Duo 2 information needed


Vu+ User
Since the new VU+ Duo 2 started to sale, It seems not many users pusblish their experience, tips and difficuties in this community. Shall we ask those who have bought this receiver to share your information and experience here? I would like give your a big thanks in advance.

Could any one confirm whether the receiver currently with the new type remote control ? I have emailed to two ' good rating retailers (in this board)' regarding this issue, none of them has any reply.
Duo 2 should come with completely new remote but apparently they ran into problems and decided to include old remote instead.
Duo 2 should come with completely new remote but apparently they ran into problems and decided to include old remote instead.

That means everyone who bought this receiver, currently has only got the old type remote control? If yes, is VU+ going to replace it when the new type remote control becomes avialible? or the vu+ just asks customers to aceipt it? I have seen a message published in the internet, which says the customer received an old type remote control, but with a replace voucher. Any official information?