Newbie Desperately Seeking UP Help Setting Tuners & Motor UP. PLEASE


Vu+ Newbie
HI there,

I'm sorry to bother but I definitely need help because I'm on the verge of loosing my sanity. I've been having nightmares of smoky zombies chasing me with VU+ DOU2 glued under heir armpits. Please help me, I've never owned a VU+ before but everybody I asked convinced me to go for it. After seeing the glowing reviews I couldn't help but to buy it and I have no regrets.

So two weeks ago I bought VU+DUO 2 Full HD 1080p 1x DUAL DVB-S2 & DVB-T2 & 2 TB HDD. I've been trying to set it up with Alsat Superior Dark Motor which I bought in the same day. In addition, I bought a LNB Inverto Unicable IDLB-QUDL42-UNI2L-1PP.

As instructed, I spent two weeks scouring all the threads and following all the steps but so far I haven't managed to get a fix. I'm only managing to get one satellite each time. Everytime I try to go others, the motor doesn't respond. I believe that the problem stems from Tuners configuration or and LNB. Basically, would like to get a fix just for satellites: 30 Hispasat, 7 Eutelsat, 13 Hot Bird, 19 Astra1L and 28.2 Astra.

Could someone kindly and patiently explain which steps I should take PLEASE? Starting from how many cable I need to connect to Unicable LNB (there are 3 ports LNB1, LNB2, and the third (golden) look like the loop symbol), to how to connect them at the back of DOU2 and the Tuners configuration. What's more, on latitude and longitude I get these positions from Dishpointer: Latitude 51.0390 and Longitude -0.07463. How do I insert these values onto sat positioner?

Please help this dazed rookie.

Many thanks in advance


DU0 2 flashed with BH


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HI there,

I'm sorry to bother but I definitely need help because I'm on the verge of loosing my sanity. I've been having nightmares of smoky zombies chasing me with VU+ DOU2 glued under heir armpits. Please help me, I've never owned a VU+ before but everybody I asked convinced me to go for it. After seeing the glowing reviews I couldn't help but to buy it and I have no regrets.

So two weeks ago I bought VU+DUO 2 Full HD 1080p 1x DUAL DVB-S2 & DVB-T2 & 2 TB HDD. I've been trying to set it up with Alsat Superior Dark Motor which I bought in the same day. In addition, I bought a LNB Inverto Unicable IDLB-QUDL42-UNI2L-1PP.

As instructed, I spent two weeks scouring all the threads and following all the steps but so far I haven't managed to get a fix. I'm only managing to get one satellite each time. Everytime I try to go others, the motor doesn't respond. I believe that the problem stems from Tuners configuration or and LNB. Basically, would like to get a fix just for satellites: 30 Hispasat, 7 Eutelsat, 13 Hot Bird, 19 Astra1L and 28.2 Astra.

Could someone kindly and patiently explain which steps I should take PLEASE? Starting from how many cable I need to connect to Unicable LNB (there are 3 ports LNB1, LNB2, and the third (golden) look like the loop symbol), to how to connect them at the back of DOU2 and the Tuners configuration. What's more, on latitude and longitude I get these positions from Dishpointer: Latitude 51.0390 and Longitude -0.07463. How do I insert these values onto sat positioner?

Please help this dazed rookie.

Many thanks in advance


DU0 2 flashed with BH
The first two tuners are for your satellite, you need two separate cable runs, from your LNB, to your VU+ Duo 2, to get the most out of them, I would also cover both the used, and unused, connections, to protect against the weather, either using a rubber boot, but better still use self amalgamating tape.
If you have a USALS motor setting up is very easy, go into the menu, Setup, Service Searching, Tuner Configuration, and select Tuner A, or B, whichever one has the cable connected to the motor.
Select the Simple option, Mode = positioner, and enter your latitude, and longitude, negative longitude readings = West, positive = East.
the second tuner you set up as secxond cable of motorized system, if you connect a second cable, from your LNB.
Many thanks Mick,

Yes the motor is USALS. If I understood well, I should FIRST: run two separate cable runs (connected to Unicable LNB 1 & 2) straight to the first two LNBs in (Turners, both show to be Tuner A) at the back of VU+DUO 2. (I'm confused here because the Unicable has 3 LNBs port. The third is golden and it has a symbol that look like an inverted S. Is that one that I should connect to the motor? As for the Latitude 51.0390 and Longitude -0.07463. I converted and inserted Latitude 51.400 and Longitude 000.755, is it right?

Once again, many thanks in advance and sorry for my persistent ignorance.
A USALS motor connects to a cable, from your receiver, Tuner A, the top one, then a second, small, cable, connects from the motor, to the LNB, one of the silver connections.
The second cable goes directly, from the LNB, second silve connector, to your second satellite input, the lower one, Tuner B.
I'm not sure why you bought this type of LNB, as the gold coloured connector is special, and can connect to 4 separate, compatible, receivers, apparently, from what I've read.
Understood Mick and thank you ever so much for your promptly helping me.
But now I'm afraid I might have caused another issue. The receiver in not sending power to the motor. I assume that I messed up with the settings because I tried connecting the motor with other receiver and worked. Could you please suggest how to fix it? or do I have to reflash it?

Thanks once again.
Try using the manual option, to move your dish, Menu, Setup, System Searching, Positioner option, then hihlight the Move East/West option, and press the green, or yellow button and see if the dish moves.
A lot of motors have manual buttons, or at least a reset option, check your motors manual.
I've tried everything you said Mick but to no avail because VU+ DOU 2 is simple not sending power to the motor. It's to do with the receiver settings but I don't know what. I was desperately fiddling with the setting before your guidance.

Shall I just reflash it or there is a way of finding through BH settings?
Go back into the Menu, Setup, Service Searching, Tuner Configuration, and check the settings, for Tuner A, and B, Tuner A, if connected to your motor, should be Simple, Mode = Positioner, and your Latitude, and Longitude, settings.
If the receiver isn't moving your motor, check the connections, a loose/faulty connection can stop the signal being sent, even though you still get a signal.
If it's not that check your other receiver still moves the dish.
Nope everything seem ok with the cable because is working with other receiver. It has to do with DUO 2 setting or BH plugins?
Please help.
What plugins have you added?
If you're going to re-flash, your receiver, first backup your channel list, if you've made one, using dreamboxedit.
You will need to know your receivers IP Address, go into the Menu, Setup, System, Network, and either LAN, or WLAN, depending if you've connected using an ethernet cable, LAN, or Wirelessly, WLAN. Click on Adapter Settings and not down the IP Address.
Next downlod dreamboxedit, set up a new folder, on your PC's desktop, and name it Settings.
Start up dreamboxedit, click on Tools, and Options.
Enter your receivers IP Address, in the IP Address box, and Save.
Next go to File, and Fast FTP Download, once downloaded click the save icon, on File Save option.
Many thanks for your patience and kindness. You're a super-heavy star.
I'll do it tomorrow because my brain is no longer functional tonight.
I'll let you know how will get on tomorrow.

Keep on shinning.

Mick, I followed everything you said now I've my set up working flawless. Your guidance saved me a fortune on sat installer fees. Thank you ever so much and wish you all of luck in your hours of need.
Much appreciate it .