Newbie - Help


Vu+ Newbie

I'm hoping someone can help. I've just bought a vu+ Ultimo brand new. I need to install the black hole 2.0.1 software on it. I'm trying to do this by downloading the software onto my laptop and then transferring by USB to the ultimo.

The problem I'm getting though is the software download comes up with an error to say the programmes I need for the software is not available. I've had the same problem when trying to download from several different links - so it can't be the link.

I've tried to read up the forum to see if someone has posted a similar issue but could not find anything.

I'm really new to the vu systems and therefore might be missing a really basic obvious thing - apologies if this is a simple fix but I would really appreciate help on this.

Any links I could download off that would work and guidance on how to do it would be a real help

Hope someone can help


Read the how to section mate. Why not update to latest image 2.0.3 too mate which is the latest image.