newbie problems with solo 2

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Vu+ Newbie

i just bought a vu+ solo2,nad have installed BH 2.0.0 and got in online with a usb dongle.. i manage to go into download plugins and so on,but the problem is whwn i tried to connect with vucc,dcc,filezilla it doesnt connect.. i type ip adress for the box, port,root as username and nothing in password(also tried vuplus) and so on but no connection??? what could i try now?
would like to get a connection so i can install *****

i just bought a vu+ solo2,nad have installed BH 2.0.0 and got in online with a usb dongle.. i manage to go into download plugins and so on,but the problem is whwn i tried to connect with vucc,dcc,filezilla it doesnt connect.. i type ip adress for the box, port,root as username and nothing in password(also tried vuplus) and so on but no connection??? what could i try now?
would like to get a connection so i can install *****

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