Newbie question regarding Black Hole images


Vu+ Newbie
I just went from Vix image to Black Hole 2.15 on my new Vu+ Zero. Wanted to try it out. Seems ok so far but there is one thing I can't seem to figure out how to do.
Using the Vix image when looking at the channel list, I can change channels without leaving the channel list, and preview them on the right hand side. In other words I can preview the channels by using the up and down keys and pressing the OK button. Channels are previewed on the right hand side. When I find something I like, I press the OK button again -leaving the channel list and enter viewing full screen viewing.
Is this function available on the Black Hole image?
All the functionalities you're looking for rely on the skin implementation.
Look for other possible skins on the BH addons server to find one that offers that type of screens you desire.
I just went from Vix image to Black Hole 2.15 on my new Vu+ Zero. Wanted to try it out. Seems ok so far but there is one thing I can't seem to figure out how to do.
Using the Vix image when looking at the channel list, I can change channels without leaving the channel list, and preview them on the right hand side. In other words I can preview the channels by using the up and down **** and pressing the OK button. Channels are previewed on the right hand side. When I find something I like, I press the OK button again -leaving the channel list and enter viewing full screen viewing.
Is this function available on the Black Hole image?

which channel ?
To my knowledge ..Only the current channel
There should be an option available in Vix channel selection settings: zap to channel in PIG in channel list using the cursor key.s still remaining within the channel list.