Just bought a Vu+ Uno. Flashed it (with USB) with to the latest BH (3.0.5.I) and everything seemed fine.
The first thing I wanted to to when the box startet up, was to download and install CC cam. However when I tried to install it (as IPK), I got error saying there was no space left on disk. Used telnet to check, and it says my flash-memory is full. (only 12kb left). How could this be? I havent even installed anything else on the box, no picons, no nothing. This was the first thing I did after the new flash.
Im wondering what Im doing wrong? Isnt everyting wiped from the box's flash memory when i flash it with a new BH image, or is there something Im missing? Please help me. How can I flash the Uno and still have available space?
The first thing I wanted to to when the box startet up, was to download and install CC cam. However when I tried to install it (as IPK), I got error saying there was no space left on disk. Used telnet to check, and it says my flash-memory is full. (only 12kb left). How could this be? I havent even installed anything else on the box, no picons, no nothing. This was the first thing I did after the new flash.
Im wondering what Im doing wrong? Isnt everyting wiped from the box's flash memory when i flash it with a new BH image, or is there something Im missing? Please help me. How can I flash the Uno and still have available space?