No HDMI signal after booting


Vu+ Newbie

I have a brand new vuplus solo SE here with BH 2.1.1 image.

All was fine since I had the box directly connected to my TV via HDMI cable.

As my TV only has one HDMI Input, I use a HDMI splitter to connect even a Playstation beside the VU+.

After I connected the Vu+ and the PS to the splitter and the splitter to the TV, I get no more signal from the VU+ on the TV.

So I connected again the VU+ directly to the TV. But even then I get no more signal on the TV!! I can see the booting image, but it seems when enigma2 is starting, the signal is lost! The playstation works fine, with and without splitter.

HDMI-CEC is off as my TV doesn't support it. I switched it on but no help. I tried different cables, different TVs, no way!

As I said, booting picture appears, but as soon as enigma starts, signal is lost. Via webinterface I can connect to my box, all seems ok!

What can be the problem??

I just bought a Vu plus solo se and I had exactly the same problem. Furthermore I have also a projector and I can not use the hdmi splitter to send the hdmi output of the receiver to the TV and to the projector at the same time. I had many other receivers produced by other firms in the past and i never had these problems.
I just googled through the Internet and it seems a problem of the whole Vuplus family! so disappointing and also strange that nobody has tried to solve the issue........
I also have one with this problem sent it back to get it fixed. They put a new image on it and it still has the same problem so I sent it back again. One more time and I will request my money back.