No signal


Vu+ Newbie
Hi guys - Just bought my first ever receiver and satellite and having a few issues getting things up and running. In terms of kit I have; Vu+ Duo2 (latest black hole), Primesat 85cm transparent dish, 2x Primesat platinum quad LNBs and 2x 4 way disecq switches. Before I mounted the dish on the wall I just wanted to test by putting the dish in the garden and running an 11m cable from the box in the house, into a satellite meter and then connected the meter to a single LNB to pick up Astra 2 only. I pointed the dish in the correct direction by using the Dish Align app on my iPhone and turned on the satellite meter, but absolutely nothing happens, not a peep out of it and the needle doesn't move. I've moved the dish around including raising it high but still nothing, I tried the other LNB just in case but that didn't work. I eventually bought a pre-made short cable (I made the 11m myself) and brought the dish indoors just to see if there would be a response on the meter, again nothing. I also performed an auto scan whilst the dish was outside. What am I doing wrong? Surely it's something stupid? I have triple checked that I'm plugging the correct ends into the meter. Should the meter needle move as soon as you plug something in or do you only hear/see something if there is a signal? Any help would be much appreciated.
Can you please post the make/model of your satellite meter.
If it's a cheap, basic, meter, like I use, you should see a backlight, come on, as soon as you turn on your receiver.
You don't turn on your receiver until the meter is connected to the LNB, then you receiver cable goes into the other imput, which should be written on the meter.
You then turn up the sensitivity, using the knob, or buttons, until you get a reading of around 5, half way, you will get this even if the dish is pointing at the ground.
You then move the dish, East/West, slightly, until the meter reads 10, full strength, decrease the sensitivity, by turning the knob, until it's back at 5, then move the dish again.
Once you have the strongest possible signal, by moving the dish East/West, Left/Right, you then do the same with the elevation.
When you have the strongest signal, go back to your receiver, do a scan, and check which satellite you've found.
Thanks for the response. I'll try this tomorrow. I did however have the receiver on before I plugged everything in, does this cause an issue? It is certainly a cheap meter; Primesat SF-50.
Will do. If you have everything plugged in should the needle move even if you don't have a signal? I understand what you are saying in your first post and I've seen quite a few youtube videos on how to use the meter but mine just seems completely dead....
Providing your cables are correctly made, your receivers on an active transponder, and the LNB is working, you should get a signal, you don't even need the dish.
Test it using a small piece of cable, near to your receiver, just connect everything up, cable into receiver, then into meter, then cable from your meter to the LNB, turn the knob fully, in each direction, and you should hear it buzz, and see the needle move.
Do you have an image, of the meter?
Fitting F Connector.jpg
I've made the cable exactly as you've put in the images. I've even bought a pre made cable but when connected into the meter with either cable it's completely dead no noise at all. I've also tried two different LNBs. The duo has a twin tuner and I've tried both inputs. Is there something I need to do on the duo? I've configured the tuners exactly the same in simple and single mode. Is there anything else I should have tried?
Do you have a friend, or neighbour, with a dish set up, even a basic sky dish?
To check if the meter is working connect the meter to the cable, from the LNB, then the cable, from the meter, to the receiver.
I would also fit the pre-made cable, to replace the cable already on the meter, in case it's the cable that's faulty.
I've made the cable exactly as you've put in the images. I've even bought a pre made cable but when connected into the meter with either cable it's completely dead no noise at all. I've also tried two different LNBs. The duo has a twin tuner and I've tried both inputs. Is there something I need to do on the duo? I've configured the tuners exactly the same in simple and single mode. Is there anything else I should have tried?

Can U make a screenshot of you settings?
Do you have a friend, or neighbour, with a dish set up, even a basic sky dish?
To check if the meter is working connect the meter to the cable, from the LNB, then the cable, from the meter, to the receiver.
I would also fit the pre-made cable, to replace the cable already on the meter, in case it's the cable that's faulty.
I had the same thought!