No streaming when recording to internal HDD


Vu+ Newbie
Dear BlackHole team and members, here is my problem:

I have a Vu+Duo with dual tunner and 2 Dish .

With BlackHole version 1.7.6,
Streaming to PC and recording to internal HDD in the same time Work Perfect !
Multiple channel Streaming to PC in the same time Work Perfect !

With BlackHole above version 1.7.6 this streaming combo not working anymore.
If start a channel recording to the internal HDD, the streaming stops.
If I restart streaming, the recording stops.

I can live with version 1.7.6. ,
But recently I switched to Vu+Solo 2, and all BlackHole versions for new Solo2 working in the same way.

So No recording when streaming and No streaming when recording.

All help is welcome.
You checked your tuner configs?

Sure, the tuners OK. I have Vu+ duo more then 2 years.
The difference is between the BlackHole versions, what works with 1.7.6, not works with the new versions.
And now it's about two Vu+ receivers with 2.0.6.
Please check it yourself, if its working for you ?