Vu+ Newbie
Is it just me or do VU+ series have some issues with the NRK channels on Thor 0.8 ? I have just changed back to VU+ solo2 from DB800HD because the DB is veeeery slow and also very old. At the moment I have a 55cm wavefrontier antenna with 4 lnb's. All configured and setup with SatLink satfinder. Using common interface with Conax camd and CD card. All channels except from NRK works smooth in HD quality. My signal rate is aprox. 75% but the picture breaks up in pixels and the sound is crap. I also had a VU+ DUO once before the DB800 with the same issue. But what I can remember is the VU+ DUO didn't have this problem before an upgrade of some kind ?? Am I into something here ? If I change back to DB800 again, the NRK channels works excellent.. Could it be the Camd module, because I use ***** in my DB800 ?
- cheers !
- cheers !