Old Vu+ Ultimato

Challenger R/T

Vu+ Newbie
I have an old Ultimo with an old BH version. BH 3.0.2 J.
My Ultimo is old That is no problblem. it works perfekt.Exept for I have a sat tunrer om port 3…all recordings on that one is like it never happend, totally black. I habe just a dream that it would work. …Nun Always have. At least 8 years since it was upgaded.
Question is; l have baught a lot of Sonos Arc stuff..will an upgrade to newer BH inprove my sound? Will an upgrade improve anything? As I said it works perfckt. If it no major differense I would leave it. Not messing with a systen Nooo!
and on the end if I have to upgrade witch one¨ Dooing my thing.
