took me a while but I found it for you, t s panel, linuxsat support addons, plugins, on demand.
Thanks for the reply, do you have any contact info?
You can PM me if that is better.
Hi, quite new at this ,followed your instructions however the itv player only plays for approx 1 minute then stops?any help would be goodTo install latest version of OnDemand plugin:
1) Upgrade to Rev. C
2) telnet to your box
3) digit command: opkg update
4 if you have already installed a previous version of plugin digit command: opkg remove enigma2-plugin-extensions-ondemand
5) digit command : opkg install enigma2-plugin-extensions-ondemand
6) restart e2
Same here plays 90 seconds the end I got rid still looking,because before the program was fineHi, quite new at this ,followed your instructions however the itv player only plays for approx 1 minute then stops?any help would be good