only search the payed channels 0,8w


Vu+ User
hello i live in sweden and have canaldigital , and i wounder how i search only those channels i pay for just like canaldigital boxes

regards seth
Manually scan in the frequencies of your provider.

You can also set up Bouquets, (Favourites), e.g. Films, Music, Sports, General Entertainment, Sciences,, and store your channels in them, for easy access, as well as a Bouquet containing all the Canal Digital channels. You have numerous options.
Try dreamboxedit, you can use this program to import all the channels, stored on your VU+ receiver, set up bouquets, delete channels, you don't want, and generally edit them, before sending them back, to your receiver.
You can find dreamboxedit, and other useful software, in the Tools section:
Thanks .so i type the frequenz only and its finds my channels from my provider

Regards seth
You can try also to enable "Network scan" and the box should auto-discover the frequency connected to the first you have typed but I don't know the logic around network scan.
Go into the Menu, Setup, Service Searching, and select manual Sca,.
You then type in the frequency, S/R, (Symbol Rate), select the polarity, Horizontal, or Vertical, and the system, DVB-S, or DVB-S2, with DVB-S2 you also need to select the FEC, e.g. 2/3