Open Black Hole 0.1 update 19-06-2015 Vu+ SoloSE


Open Black Hole 0.1

Whats New:
  • OpenMultiboot 1.0A modded by Meo
  • 3rd Party plugins
  • Epg Panel with XMLTV import, EPGimportfilter and EPGsearch

Main Features:

  • Full Hd skin (1920x1080)
  • HbbTv
  • Open GLes animations (Duo2, Solo2, SoloSE)
  • Xbmc (Duo2, Solo2, SoloSE)

Black Hole:
  • Blue panel
  • Green Panel
  • Extra Settings
  • Addons panel
  • Compatible with Pli plugins and Skins

*** WARNING *** If you have used Open Multiboot previously, you must remove all folders and files from your Usb and Hdd devices before you use this patched version.

What is Open Multiboot 1.0A modded by Meo?

OpenMultiboot by Skaman is a newer and more advanced version of the popular Meoboot plugin that has been used in BH images for a long time now. We previously included a patched version of OpenMultiboot in the OpenBlackHole 0.1 image update 06-06-2015, however there were some limitations in this earlier version.

This latest patched version of OpenMultiboot has had large parts of the code re-written by Meo to allow it to work correctly with all Vu+ boxes, and more importantly most of the popular images out there.

The main advantage of OpenMultiboot over Meoboot is that it will swap the kernel and drivers when you swap images. This means that no image drivers or kernels get mixed up, which stops images from becoming corrupt, and therefore it means that any online updates can be applied to to any image(s) that are used in multiboot, as well as the image in flash, again without the risk of corrupting the images.

You can now use multiple versions of OpenBlackHole in multiboot, you can also use the classic BlackHole images and VTi, as well as OpenPLi and any of your favourite OE-A images.

Meo has also been able to find a way to allow the bootmenu to show up 8 images per page, even with the latest OpenGL based images, however having the bootmenu enabled does slow down the boot time slightly, because it needs to load the video drivers before the menu is displayed. Because of this an option to turn off the bootmenu has been included, to speedup the boot time.

If you disable the bootmenu you just need to go into the image plugins menu to access the OpenMultiboot plugin and select the image you want to boot next.

This version of OpenMultiboot works with most of the popular images out there, however we can not guarantee it will work with all images on all Vu+ boxes.

We also recommend that if you install the Classic BlackHole image into OpenMultiboot that you disable Meoboot in the SpeedUp panel, to avoid conflicts and confusion.

3rd Party Plugins

We have added a selection of 3rd Party plugins to the OpenBlackHole feeds. A full list of the available plugins can be found here:
List of 3rd Party Plugins available

EPG Panel

A new EPG Panel has been added to OpenBlackHole, if you press the Blue button and then the Red button you can access this new panel, in here you will find a range of EPG plugins, such as XMLTVimport, EPGimportfiler, CrossEPG and EPGsearch.


What is Open Black Hole ?

It is an exciting new project from the same team that produce the Black Hole images.

This new project is based on the PLi git and coding infrastructure, which means it is not only Open Source, but it is also compatible with all PLi plugins, feeds and skins and it also features full online update support (for those users that do not like having to do a full reflash everytime there is an image update). We have just given it the Black Hole touch.

This means it has the Green Panel and Blue Panels as found in the standard Black Hole images, we have also added the Black Hole addons panel and included Full HD skin support, OpenGLes Animations and of course included Xbmc .

As with the standard Black Hole images, we continue to support Genuine Vu+ Boxes only and therefore our images are optimised for Vu+ boxes and will only work on these models (any Open Black Hole, or Black Hole images you see on the internet for other box models or clone models are not official images and we offer no support for those boxes or images).

Do I have to upgrade to this new Open Black Hole image ?

No you don't have to upgrade to the new Open Black Hole image, this image is completely separate from the original Black Hole image, this is simply a new image so we can offer our users more choice, if you are happy with your current image, then you can continue to use that image, if you want to try the new Open Black Hole image then you can do so.

What about the Black Hole and Black Hole Prism Images ?

For those of you worried about the standard Black Hole and Prismcube image, please don’t worry, we remain committed to the standard Black Hole and Black Hole Prism images and image updates will continue as normal, this new Open Black Hole image is an additional project and we are fully committed to all images.

Where can I find the Open Black Hole git ?

The Open Black Hole git is located here:













This update is available as an online update, to update and add the 3rd Party plugins feed to your current installation of OpenBlackHole 0.1 you will need to do the following:

1) Goto Green panel -> Addons and click on Online Black Hole image update as normal.

Then you will need to:

2) Telnet into your box and digit commands:
opkg update
opkg install 3rd-party-feed-configs
1st post updated, OpenMultiboot updated, 3rd Party plugins feed added, New EPG panel added.

XBMC updated to fix resolution issue and Blindscan has also been updated.

Can now be updated as full flash (file attached to first post) or using Online Update.
HO un decoder VU SOLO SE con la open black hole come immagine.

NOn riesco a mandare avanti, mettere pausa o tornare indietro i film presenti nella lista IPTV, per intenderci mi riferisco a quelli ON demand.
MIo padre avendo uno smart Tv riesce a mettere pausa e mandare avanti senza problemi.
Volevo sapere se con il mio decoder è possibile fare ciò, serve qualche plugin particolare o serve un qualche settaggio?
The first is to congratulate the team of image processing.
I have put this picture in my vu + Onlycorpses and so far so good and great for what I use, but I have several questions hacerca this firm and are as follows:

1. In the openmultiboot and since several images and all and had to configure the settings which before the coguian of the firm of flhas and now does not.

This openmultiboot 2nd you can put different images of kernels and kernels boot with every one who has operated in the flhas.

3rd If you have a backup of a firm over its corresponding comfiguraciones make a .rar file what you can put in the openmultiboot and so nows you configure everything.

As you can see all my questions are related to openmultiboot and if as I think it works for me this is a hoot of the designers of the firm and of course is what interests me.
I had a strange fault on a Solo SE when flashing OBH. The network interface did not work. I tried 2 x different downloads of the zip file but still no network. The LED on my router switch port just flashed on and off. No problems with BH 2.16.1 though. Network worked immediately
Please alguien puede me inform you that I comment but arriba, para mi es muy importante y estoy muy en in the Puesto en esto y el medio language by which con algunos traductores vuelve you place them in lo tengo clear themes that I indicate.
I had a strange fault on a Solo SE when flashing OBH. The network interface did not work. I tried 2 x different downloads of the zip file but still no network. The LED on my router switch port just flashed on and off. No problems with BH 2.16.1 though. Network worked immediately
Changed router and no problems. Just for info Openpli gave the same issue until router changed.
hi, with open black hole and my solo SE, is impossible active pause action. And is impossible configur my lan with other decoder to my room. Have you same problem?
Hello there,

First of all I would like to thank you for your hard work. Second, I would like to report a problem I am having with Youtube, ever since I installed Open BH I am having problems to play YouTube videos. Everything seems to be fine until I select a video to play, then it selects it but never plays it. Sorry for my unprofessional terminology. Thank you in advance.


I had previously 2.1.4 BH and YouTube worked just fine.
Hello there,

First of all I would like to thank you for your hard work. Second, I would like to report a problem I am having with Youtube, ever since I installed Open BH I am having problems to play YouTube videos. Everything seems to be fine until I select a video to play, then it selects it but never plays it. Sorry for my unprofessional terminology. Thank you in advance.


I had previously 2.1.4 BH and YouTube worked just fine.

This issue, is already know. At this moment you can try with this to have YOUTUBE back, but not Youtube TV. --> Download it and install from here -->

best regards
Hey guys, I am having a slight problem with me Open Black Hole on Solo Se. My German sky channels are freezing very often, this was not the case when I had BH 2.1.4, could it be that Solo SE has not enough ram memory to hold it up?

Thanks for your hard work
Hey guys, I am having a slight problem with me Open Black Hole on Solo Se. My German sky channels are freezing very often, this was not the case when I had BH 2.1.4, could it be that Solo SE has not enough ram memory to hold it up?

Thanks for your hard work
How you read your german card?