original image --> flash, OBH --> stick?


Vu+ Newbie
Is it possible to put the original image into flash memory and OBH on a stick?

There seems to be no multiboot tool in the original VU+ image...
It's strange. But, anyway... what for? The original image is basically useless. In case, you might put BH in flash (because it's based on the vuplus code but enriched) and OBH in multiboot, because it's a different project.
I have OBH in flash for many years. Became curious about trying some different image. Added using openmultiboot. After rebooting got into some troubles.

Long long time ago I used this solution on a Dreambox.
Well, if you have OBH in flash, you posted in the wrong section ;)
But you surely can do the opposite: install vuplus image in OMB, if you are curious to try. Is not compulsory to install vuplus original image in flash.