Hi all,
I've tried BH 1.7.5 formating-tool to prepare my USB-Stick using meoboot and universe.
So choose 2 Partitions
after Formating I've mounted them as USB and universe.
Since I've done that, I've somtimes probems with my vu+ duo when I boot or reboot the box.
I never had problems problems befeore with Fat32-formated USB-Sticks.
Everytime I'm using unix-foratted Usb-Sticks I have such problems.
I also have a samsung harddisc in my vu.
the problems are:
- Box boots, but hardisk is'nt mounted
- Box boots, but doesn't respond on remote
Is there a way to partiton usb-sticks 1st partition in fat32, the 2nd for meoboot and 3rd for universe, and can you explain how to do that?
Thanks a lot
I've tried BH 1.7.5 formating-tool to prepare my USB-Stick using meoboot and universe.
So choose 2 Partitions
after Formating I've mounted them as USB and universe.
Since I've done that, I've somtimes probems with my vu+ duo when I boot or reboot the box.
I never had problems problems befeore with Fat32-formated USB-Sticks.
Everytime I'm using unix-foratted Usb-Sticks I have such problems.
I also have a samsung harddisc in my vu.
the problems are:
- Box boots, but hardisk is'nt mounted
- Box boots, but doesn't respond on remote
Is there a way to partiton usb-sticks 1st partition in fat32, the 2nd for meoboot and 3rd for universe, and can you explain how to do that?
Thanks a lot