Password, DCC and Putty


Vu+ Newbie

Hope this is the right Thread to post in...

I have a problem.

I'm using DCC and enter the IP adress on my VU solo2. The user and password I put as follows:
root and "blank" then I will connect and it shows network ok everything green. FTP ok. But it doesn't seem to be logged on as I go to telnet and then make the same procedure it says incorrect login. I have tried "dreambox" , "root" , Vusolo" etc etc..... how can I reset. Trying to understand how.

When I go to FTP it says like this

PORT 192,168,1,13,214,124
< 530 Please login with USER and PASS.

Hope this is the right Thread to post in...

I have a problem.

I'm using DCC and enter the IP adress on my VU solo2. The user and password I put as follows:
root and "blank" then I will connect and it shows network ok everything green. FTP ok. But it doesn't seem to be logged on as I go to telnet and then make the same procedure it says incorrect login. I have tried "dreambox" , "root" , Vusolo" etc etc..... how can I reset. Trying to understand how.

When I go to FTP it says like this

PORT 192,168,1,13,214,124
< 530 Please login with USER and PASS.

I trying to make a new flash with an USB....but I have no luck today :-)'s starting but only goes from that to doesn't make a flash....WTF...
Follow the usual advice for flashing in the appropriate section of this forum (change flash drive, format it as FAT and not fat 32, or as MSDOS File system if you run OsX; and so on...).
I have Vu+DUO 2 and I tried to logg in after I used the PuTTY and I used root but when I come to Password I tried everything but I could never go on
Please advise how to clear this problem so I can download the IPTV to my Vu device
Regards JAKOB
I had the same problem, was unable to ftp to the box after OBH upgrade. What I did was just set the password again via remote control. All worked now.