pb with hdd recording since release 1.7.5 and 1.7.6


Vu+ Newbie
i'm facing pb with hd recording since new release 1.7.5 and now 1.7.6
every time i install image on internal flash - then install it agin on usb - HDD only for recording.
before release 1.7.5 recorder bottom was red butoom ( red butoom beside green and yallo and blue butoom)
after relaese 1.7.5 the new recorder buttom is red the bottom of the remote control.
the pb is when i press recorder buttom i get error message " no hdd found or hdd not initialized"
when i try to mount the HDD i found " hard disk wdc sd1 /media/meboot
i can't change to media/hdd
when i try to initialization i get error message unable to initialize harddisk, error mount failed.

by the the way some times recording buttom work and i can use my hdd and many times fail
Why do you install image on HDD ? To keep it turning for ever ?

Try to unplug your HDD, switch off the vuplus, wait few seconds, switch on,wait vuplus boots, then plug it again.

With menu button go to settings, hard disk, then initialize, one finished, blue button, blue button, device manager, mount point, then mount the hdd as /media/hdd

If you want meoboot, picons, EPG and universes, buy a 4 Go usb key, and partition it with the new tool in BH pannel (blue button).

Other possible problem your usb disk may need more current than this provided by usb plug on your vuplus....so use a powered usb hub.
Why do you install image on HDD ? To keep it turning for ever ?

Try to unplug your HDD, switch off the vuplus, wait few seconds, switch on,wait vuplus boots, then plug it again.

With menu button go to settings, hard disk, then initialize, one finished, blue button, blue button, device manager, mount point, then mount the hdd as /media/hdd

If you want meoboot, picons, EPG and universes, buy a 4 Go usb key, and partition it with the new tool in BH pannel (blue button).

Other possible problem your usb disk may need more current than this provided by usb plug on your vuplus....so use a powered usb hub.

Thank you my friend for replay
my hdd pb is with BH image only, i don't have any pb with others image .
this mean there is a bug with BH image
Thank you my friend for replay
my hdd pb is with BH image only, i don't have any pb with others image .
this mean there is a bug with BH image

There No bug in BH Images...its satble and very smooth!
U have a pb with settings of the HDD, try re format and then mounted!
There No bug in BH Images...its satble and very smooth!
U have a pb with settings of the HDD, try re format and then mounted!

Dear My friend
I do not know why you are bidding, we all love BH team.
you don't have any pb BH image this is good news, but i have pb and i'm looking for help, if u don't know how to help please leave others to help me.
i made format and checked all setting, i tried to delete the image and reinstall it again.
some time hdd mount and some time refuse to mount.
How is powered your USB HDD: Direct from vuplus or do you use a powered usb hub ?

A HDD which doesn't mount on boot means it is not ready when the usb plug is scanned (like it is not plugged). Probably because it is not turning full speed (not enough current).
How is powered your USB HDD: Direct from vuplus or do you use a powered usb hub ?

A HDD which doesn't mount on boot means it is not ready when the usb plug is scanned (like it is not plugged). Probably because it is not turning full speed (not enough current).

thanks my fried for trying help,
my hdd power Direct from vuplus ( internal ) i did not faced any pb over 2 years and now no pb with imge installed on internal flash, the pb with image insalled on external usb , even some times hdd with image installed on external flash work and some times not work.
the pb does not hapen with any different image installed on external usb.
the pb with image installed on external usb started with image 1.7.5 and 1.7.6
Can you tell me one reason why are you using image installed on USB.
We have made a Universe system
just to be able to use USB stick for addons, plugins, skins, etc
Which in this case are using a base image (Black Hole universe) in flash and addons, plugins, skins, etc on USB UNIVERSEs.
This is better combination than the entire image on the USB.
Can you tell me one reason why are you using image installed on USB.
We have made a Universe system
just to be able to use USB stick for addons, plugins, skins, etc
Which in this case are using a base image (Black Hole universe) in flash and addons, plugins, skins, etc on USB UNIVERSEs.
This is better combination than the entire image on the USB.

Thanks my friend for explaintion
can you please help me , how can i install addons, plugins in USB UNIVERSE ?
Thanks my friend for explaintion
can you please help me , how can i install addons, plugins in USB UNIVERSE ?

Black Hole Universe is the flash image
and all other UNIVERSEs are onUSB (addons,skins,plugins,settings sat list e.t.c go to USB)