permanent timeshift problems


Vu+ Newbie
I am having problems with permanent timeshift, I have black hole 1.7.6, it not working for me any more. when I press the rewind button I get a black screen, I get the rewind speed on the screen, but the program I am watching does not rewind, please help me, I love this function
Have to say I'm having the same problems myself using BlackHole 1.7.6 on my Vu+ Duo box.

All was working fine when I used BlackHole 1.7.4
I've uninstalled the permanent timeshift plugin now as it is essentially useless
I thnik the problem is in the seeking functions. In my installation when I click seek back or forward there is no effect in shifting the playable. There is a black screen on my TV and the only thing I have observed was that when I was clicking the buttons BACK / FWD the speed has been changed without effect in shifting playable.
BlackHole 1.7.7 - some problems with Perament TimeShift plugin. VU+ Solo. If I watch a channel for some time (let's say 2 minutes), then pause it for about 30-60 seconds resume playback doesn't work correctly. If I press pause again to resume playback the screen remains paused. Timeshift indicator in upper-left corner of the screen shows timeshift position changes, but video/audio is still frozen. If I press 1 or 3 button (to skip 10 seconds forward or backward) the video resumes.

If I pause a video just for a few (a dozen) of seconds or just after switching to channel it will resume correctly. If the channel plays for a few minutes I cannot resume playback if it was paused for about a minute or more.

So it seems there is still some problem. Haven't noticed any PTS problems before 1.7.7 (but I haven't used 1.7.6). 1.7.0 - no problems at all.
Bump: I can use pause/unpause if I enable Permanent Timeshift Infobar function (which displays plugin's own seeker window). Some workaround until the problem is fixed.