Permanent Timeshift to USB


Vu+ Newbie
How can I setup the Blackhole VU+ Duo v.1.4.4. MediaTomb image to timeshift to a USB stick.

I have moved the picons no problem but cannot find how to do the above.

Thanks in advance

1. You have to mount your USB stick first with BH Device Manager
(If not already and I think you are you have picons on USB)
you can use also FAT32 windows format on your USB stick for Timeshift and Picons
(FAT32 format It's better because you wont have a problem with the image boot)

2.System Menu>>Recording paths Panel>>move (go down) to Timeshift location >>press OK>>In Select Location PANEL>> press Menu button>>switch to filelist and move to USB Stick folder
>>Blue button (Add Bookmark)>>OK

Now you can make choose in Recording paths panel Timeshift location.
Yep done that, but when I change channels it tels me that it cannot timeshift on the USB formated FAt32 and wants me to format in linux format.

Thanks for reply
I tested now and I do not have that problem.
Is your image in flash
Whether you change something etc etc
No it's a standard USB install - so I have changed nothing - image was installed abot 2 hours ago. I'm going to foramt the USb stick on a linux machine ( my server) and try it that way

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It would appear that it is the USB Stick. I will try another one today - failing that I will just leave it on the hard drive. Just wanted to remove strees in the hard drive.

Thanks for help