Permanent timeshift


Vu+ Newbie
Has anyone noticed an intermittent fault with this plugin where sometimes you press rewind and the screen goes black and does nothing really..i have also noticed normal pause is sometimes affected when this plugin is installed.

I have noticed this before in a much older bh image but this is now with latest bh 2.0.4.

Many thanks in advance

Has anyone noticed an intermittent fault with this plugin where sometimes you press rewind and the screen goes black and does nothing really..i have also noticed normal pause is sometimes affected when this plugin is installed.

I have noticed this before in a much older bh image but this is now with latest bh 2.0.4.

Many thanks in advance


What kind of support do you use for your timeshift storage? If you are using a USB stick you can try to change it with a more fast device or try to use an internal HDD if your box support it.
Its an internal 500gig hdd a vu duo.

Just tried it again and black screen...timer goes up and down but does not rewind whatever is on even if i wait about 10 minutes
It seems to be after a reboot it stops working..if i uninstall it and re-install it ,,it works but as i say after a reboot it stops working so it must be something wrong with the plugin..the red recording light always does come on tho..i am using the one in bh server is that ipk ok? 1.0.0 final..

Also i dont see anywhere to change settings for timeshift storage from usb stick to hdd?

Same issue here i just found....