Permanent timeshift


Vu+ Newbie
I have a VU+ DUO 2 on order. It will come with the standard VU+ firmware, & my question is whether PermanentTimeshift is available with this setup, or will it be necessary to install a BH image?

Any information would be greatly appreciated.


Said that this is the forum for BH or OBH and not for the standard VU+ image (whom I've never used, just tried once for some hours just as a curiosity), I don't see the problem: if they don't include PTS, you'll be always be able to install it as a plugin.
Otherwise, you can install BH or OBH.
Said that this is the forum for BH or OBH and not for the standard VU+ image (whom I've never used, just tried once for some hours just as a curiosity), I don't see the problem: if they don't include PTS, you'll be always be able to install it as a plugin.
Otherwise, you can install BH or OBH.

I wouldn't rate it as a problem. I was just asking for info about the Permanent Timeshift, as a complete newbie.

BTW, I posted this in what I read as a VU+ general info section. After all it is VU+Community>forums>starting out>Newbies questions & Infos. I'm sorry if I've intruded into a BH or OBH forum, but I have no way of knowing this. You see, clairvoyance is not my strong point! ;)

