Picons not displaying??


Vu+ Newbie
Hi, Firstly this is a great forum to be involved with. Your topics and help has been invaluable. Thank you to all.
I have had a solo2 for 6 months now and after looking at other images have uprgraded to 2.1.7. Managed to get everything the way I want it apart from picons...
I have usb mounted with picon folder containing picons but I cannot get these to show on channel list or infobar. All I have is just the name of the channels on the channel list and BH image on the info bar.
Even though it does not stop me enjoying the box at all I am frustrated because they were all there on my previous BH image and now its becoming a battle of wills and i'm losing.......
I have managed to get this far without asking for help but now im completely defeated...
Any ideas anyone??
thanks in advance
The picons in Server addon perfect run ,the folder picon is a /media/usb
LCD Picons ONLY VU Ultimo
Thanks Mila, I think that's where I went wrong when I tried the lcd package that I now know doesn't like being on the solo. I will not make that mistake again....
many thanks.