PIMP my PLiHD by talbs v2.74

Welcome to BH!
I do appreciate your skin version that I currently use on one box of mine running OpenPLi4.

Why posting only in Polish section?
How to Install:

Method 1:

- Download the attched ipk file
- Ftp the ipk file into /tmp folder of your reciver
- Telnet the below command:
opkg update && opkg install -force-overwrite /tmp/*.ipk
- Go to Menu - Settings - System - Skins and choose VM HD
- Restart your reciever.

Method 2:

- Download and unrar the data rar file attached
- Put the VM HD folder into /usr/share/enigma2/ folder on your reciver
if u have a alien box the VM HD folder goes into usr/local/share/enigma2 folder
- Put the convertors and renderers into usr/lib/enigma2/python folder

Just be careful if you already have the files there delete them first then transfer both the py and pyo file just to be safe.
If you don't delete them first and just overwrite them the skin will not work correctly
If you have the SKY.NEW Skin installed you do not need to put the converters or renders in.
Always back up your box before starting this in case anything goes wrong.
When all above is done then select the VM HD Skin in your menu and reboot.