Playing rarfiles on zero


Vu+ Newbie
Hi there!

I got an 4k box with blackhole and it works fine. Now I have bought an Zerobox to the bedroom, and work also fine, but I want to be able to play rarfiles/folders. I tryed VLCserver, but no success.

Please tell me a bit of your exsperice about Rarplaying movies/series.

Best regards Tommy
.rar is short for Winrar, a compression system.
Winrar, Winzip, and other similar programs, shrink files, making them smaller, and thus quicker to upload/download.
Once downloaded they need to be uncompressed, to see the file.
There are some free software, available, that can unrar the files, like 7-zip.
Hey! Of course I know that, hehe! I really ment was, how Im playing these files up directly from *.rar *.r01 and so on.
Like boxeebox can do.
VU+ and its images is not a computer and BH or OBH are not operative systems, although both VU+ or images are very similar to computers and OSs. If you want computers' features you must use this kind of device, not a STB.