Playing stream with a samsung TV ?


Vu+ Newbie
Hi, i have a vu+ duo on my living room (connected to the internet).

On my bedroom, i just bought a new samsung smart TV ES7000 which can connect to the internet. Is it possible to watch my vu+ duo with the streaming capacity of my vu+ duo ? I tried from the web bowser to connect to which is the adress of my vu+ duo but i doesnt work when i try to stream...

Thank you in advance :)
Hi, i have a vu+ duo on my living room (connected to the internet).

On my bedroom, i just bought a new samsung smart TV ES7000 which can connect to the internet. Is it possible to watch my vu+ duo with the streaming capacity of my vu+ duo ? I tried from the web bowser to connect to which is the adress of my vu+ duo but i doesnt work when i try to stream...

Thank you in advance :)

You can try mediatomb and connect your tv to vu+ trough dlna.