Please help, Service not found


Vu+ Newbie
Hi I'm new to this box, the Vu solo2. Keep getting this message - Service not found! (Sid not found in PAT) and also - Tune failed. Can anyone help, I've tried reboot, I've turned my Reuter off for a while but no difference. Like I said I'm new to this and not the most technical of people so if you can help please do.
Do you get this on all the channels or just a few?
What satellite are you receiving, have you got a motorized dish or a fixed dish system?
You can always try manually scanning in the channels, use to find the details needed, Frequency, Polarity, S/R (Symbol Rate), etc.
Can you please post more information.
Hi Mick, I get the tune failed message on one channel, and the service not found message on several others. The dish I'm assuming is fixed, I don't think from memory there's anything motorised about it and I haven't a notion what satellite I'm receiving!!
Somtimes they shift channels about.they done this yesterday about 5 channels stopped working
I normallying do a full rescan of chans then see if they work.
If the ones in your fav are not working delete the none working channel and the press red to select all chans.
look in there when u find the scanned working channs just move them into your fave,,but u must do a full rescan first to find the new freq used..
hi Fraggle121, thanks for replying, how do I go about a rescan?? This is all new I've never did a rescan or moved or deleted channels!! Sorry to sound so lame but this box is way above my head at the mo!!
hi Fraggle121, thanks for replying, how do I go about a rescan?? This is all new I've never did a rescan or moved or deleted channels!! Sorry to sound so lame but this box is way above my head at the mo!!

Menu button>>Setup>>Service Searching>>Manual Scan>> Type of scan Select the satellite you want to scan >> OK
If you don't want to do rescan, then load your channel list into dreamboxEdit - right click on the frequency that's not working and then click Edit and change it to new frequency (you can get new frequently from
From the pop up Select change all on that frequency, save your channel list and send the channel list to your box.
I do it this way much easier and only takes few minutes.
Hi Poseidon, when you say 'right click on the freq....' you mean right click on the channel that is not working and then 'Edit transponder data'?
I tried to change manually the freq. with a right click on the channel and using the 'Show/Edit Details', but the transponder data are not changeble. If I change the transponder data with the new data, the editor changes data for a lot of channel and after this, these are not working.
Viewing a channel an info box appeared and say:"The channel has moved, please set this new data: 11642, H, 27500, 3/4"
Can you better explain your tip to set this kind of changes?
Forget using dreamboxedit, or other software, to edit your channel information, this is more for advanced users.
It's far quicker, and easier, to go into the receivers menu, Setup, Satellite Searching, select Manual Scan, and enter the details, Satellite, Frequency, Polarity, S/R (Symbol Rate), and do a scan.
It would help if you knew which satellite you were on, and provided detqils of your satellite set up, fixed dish/dishes, motorized, etc..
Is this new channel on Hotbird, 13E?
Hi Mick, I agree with you that a new rescan will solve my problem... this what I made with my old receiver (Humax 5100). In the specific, the old parameters of the channel that has moved are LA7, Hotbird 13.0E, 11541, V, 22000, 5/6 and it has moved to 11642, H, 27500, 3/4. I have one dish for Hotbird/Astra and a VU+Duo2 with 1 double sat tuner and 1 double terrestrial tuner.
A question: When I make a rescan, have I to delete the old channels or the new are added/overwrote on the same?
If you do a manual re-scan, of both transponders, and change the clear befor scan option to yes, then it will automatically change the dead transponders to N/A, which you can clear, or use dreamboxedit, which will clear all N/A channels.
You can also remove any old channels, in your Bouquets, by using the menu option, when your bouquet channel list is displayed.
Another way... My box update the channel list automatically from internet. I read this list with Dreamboxedit and then I compare it with my currente list (Menu Tools - Compare loaded services with other on disc) and it seems that this allow me to make the requested changes so I can update my channel list with the new/changed channel. I never used this, are there someone that use this method successfully?