Plugin Server


Vu+ Newbie
Does the plugin server for black hole working? i am trying to connect and i am getting message

"Sorry, Connection Failed."

anyone have this issue?
any ideas Mito why i get this error? what i mean plugin server is when you click green button and then the yellow button to go to addons. there i get this error. I also register my ultimo to vu+ system i though maybe was this the problem but still the same.

i installed emulators manually to make everything work.
is not. i check it with various ways. ping working find. nslookup working. ssh to other server from the vu machine working.

do you block ips on your server? maybe the current ip i have is blacklisted.
There is no blacklist.
Did you install any plugin to download addons by other servers?
no i didnt try that because i add the plugins i needed manual.

can you suggest me some servers with vu+ plugins?
Does the plugin server for black hole working? i am trying to connect and i am getting message

"Sorry, Connection Failed."

anyone have this issue?
Try to Restart VU+.
If this fails , reinstall Latest BH 1.7.2 image in flash.
Image Servers Work Fine.
Good Luck. :cool:
i done this. i also install images with meboot and test them. anyway. thanx for help i will figure it out. if there are other server for pluging and you want to share you are welcome. thank you all.
i done this. i also install images with meboot and test them. anyway. thanx for help i will figure it out. if there are other server for pluging and you want to share you are welcome. thank you all.
Stupid question.
Did you reboot your router?
:) tamaki yes many times change ip everything. anyway i will find a solution or more server. or i will install them manually and make a backup image and it will be ok.

Ethernet Network Cable

That is inserted from the back,,,some times the wires/tips get damaged or loose!
@a911: nice picture what is this strange cable :). i am kidding. this is the first i checked. i also tried wifi.

i find the problem guys. the server works fine.

for anyone that face the same problem. it was the my dns. i changed resolv.conf to other dns server and it worked fine.

you can change it in /etc/resolv.conf or by ftp or by ssh or by telnet

example google dns servers are


thank you all for the help.