Hi all,when i shut down the vu solo2 then it wont boot up, i keep trying and after 10 or more times it starts , now i am on 2.1.3, i had the first time the problem with 2.1.2 then i went back to 2.0.8 but it was still there. Any suggestions?
I suppose you have a clone box... my Solo2 with 2.1.5 rocks.After a lot of test this is the situation, tle latest image that works well is 2.0.8, all other image starting from 2.1.1 stacks at the starting, the 2.0.9 and 2.1.0 after a boot give me problem, if i update also 2.0.8 give me problem. It seems to have problem with kernel after 2.0.8.
Your box is a clone if works with oldest images and it's not welcome here.According to this post http://www.vuplus-community.net/board/threads/how-to-detect-solo2-clone-box.16332/ should be original,anyway yesterday i tried a 2.1.5 backup image of a friend of mine and at the beginning was working very well but this morning it wasn't able to boot, i am back again on 2.0.8
If you cannot install images from 2.0.9 series to current released the box is usually a clone because the manufacturer increases security in their products to avoid clone proliferacy.How come you are so sure? I am 100% sure its original, If you don't know how to answer give me a favor just don't. I am only trying to understand if its hardware problem or there is something can be done at the boot stage.