Pressing OK brings up the channel selection list instead of infobar


Vu+ Newbie
I have installed the latest Blackhole image 1.6.5 on my Vu+ Uno. When I press the OK button on my Uno remote I get the channel list (with the list and the 4 color options for All, Satellites, Provider, Favourites). I think normally I should get there when I press the up/down arrow.
I have tried other images (VTI, Pli etc.) and on all the other images when I press the OK button I get the infobar on the botton of the screen. I think that's how it is supposed to work.
I thought it was some strange flash, so I re-downloaded the Blackhole image from another source and reflashed but it is exactly the same result. The only way for me to see the infobar is if I switch to a different channel, then back to the original one one (it is set to show the infobar for 10 seconds when changing channels).
Has anyone experienced this problem? Can anyone help? Thank you.
Please ignore the message, I solved the problem. The original source had a different Blackhole 1.6.5 image, I re-downloaded it from the link in this forum and after the reflash it works fine.