problem installing .ipk

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Vu+ Newbie

Recently bought a new vu+ solo2 receiver and flashed it with BH 2.0.1.
Works well altough I have a few issues.

I can't seem to install an ipk file from usb or the tmp folder. Tried from te plugins screen with manual install. It says 0 packages installed on the usb screen and gives errors through the tmp screen while installing. After rebooting the gui no plugins are installed or can be found. Even the ipk file in my tmp folder is gone.

I haven't installed my hdd from my old dm800 hd yet. So its just the flash. Could this be the problem or? Will I have more luck with an older BH image?
I installed a mips32el OE2 plugin, now it says installed 1 package with 0 errors but after restarting both gui and stb I cant find the plugin anywhere.
What plugin u installed

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