problem installing new multiswitch on VU+ Duo


Vu+ Newbie
I have a 4 sat input DiseqC switch connected to 3 sats. The first 2 are straightforard single LBB's and work fine.

For the 3rd, I have connected a new Smart MS 17/8 ES multiswitch to the C input on the diseqC switch and I can't seem to configure it.

For all, I have the advanced tuner setup and the first 2 have just LNB 1 & 2 and I get the signal.

The very small leaflet for the multiswitch says to connectSAT system A (which it is) to port no. 1/DiseqC 1.

This is how it looks for sat 3:
Any ideas what I am doing wrong? The multiswitch says that it supports Diseqc 1.0. I tried 1.1 and 1.2 but still get no signal.

Appreciate any help!

I call this LNB 3 but it is connected to input 4 on the Diseqc switch... hence LNB 4 above

Check the Committed DiSEqC command and change to the proper Input#.....and 1.1 is OK or what U have in the other 2 settings!