Problem Reproducing .Avi files (fast forward automatically)


Vu+ Newbie

I don't know if this is coming in last release or not, but when playing .avi (XVID) file with the default player or mediaplayer2, a fast forward automatically is performed during some time, then back to normal and after a few seconds, again. This is looping all the time during the file time.

This is happening to me in a VU4+ with 3.0.2 G

I have other Vu+ Solo Se with 2.1.7 and this is not happening there, with the SAME files...Also in a computer they are working fine.

Someone is having the same issue when reproducing .avi files?

Thank you for your support.
Best regards
Yes, it has happened to me also but (if I remember well) mainly with OBH 0.6, not BH. It happened only with some files downloaded.
Try to re-encode by handbrake although my suspect is that, if the file was badly encoded and compressed, the re-encode cannot solve the issue.
Dear Alexwilmac,

Thank you for your answer, but I don't think that i'ts related with the bad enconed, because it's working fine in the other VU+ SoloSE (BH 2.1.7) and in any PC.

It should be related with Vu+4k hardware or the new BH 3.0.2 G.

I hope someone could tell us where is the problem and how to fix it.

Thank you
Each image is different: for instance I had many problems in OBH 0.6, much worse that yours, with many video files which work perfectly on BH 3.0.2.
As I always repeat, video files are not just .avi or.mp4 and so on and the extension doesn't mean anything like .doc or .xls and these kind of files. What matters in videos is the codec used.
So it's just a suggestion: if you make a re-encode you can see if something changes or not, especially choosing h264 for BH (but latest updates I think support also x265).
Dear Alexwilmac,

I just specify the coded in the initial post (XVID) I know what .avi means.

What I'm trying to tell, is that in older version of BH is working, please apply the same for the last release. If is a encode problem, that with same file is working fine in older version, this should be a bug, and is what I'm reporting here.

Re-encoding is not the solution, even if it fix the problem. If is working in older version should work in the latest one, right? I think this should be considered as a bug.

Also, I'm using Quasar and torrent stream to see videos online, so again re-encoding is not any solution. I don't want to be re-enconding every time I download a avi file , this not make sense.
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I have problem trying to play xvid h264 movie with mediaplayer 2. In the tv appears a message saying that xvid codec may be needed.