Problem to install hard disk


Vu+ Newbie
I'm new to Vu+ duo and to these Linux / Enigma type receivers.

I have a used 250 Gb hard disk in external housing and want to use this for recording. I re-formatted the disk with Windows XP computer in NTFS.

I tried it via USB. When I restart Vu with HD connected, I get Black Hole Enigma starting screen and it stays there. When I start Vu without HD connected and then plug in HD, I find Harddisk listed in Menu. When I go to initialize, it just stays on initializing page and does not go further.

I tried to take HD out of housing and install directly inside Vu and get same problem when starting Vu that it stays on starting page and does not go further.

What is problem ??
With initializing, do you mean Enigma Starting or the actually initializing of the disk?

When I connected HD via USB when Vu was already on, I did manage to get to Menu/Hard disk/ Initializing and then screen came up Initalizing HD. I left it like that for many hours overnight and it still stayed on same screen.
Hmm, that is way too long.
I have never tested a HDD via USB so I can not say for sure what the problem might be, I have mine connected via esata and internal.
Is it possible you can connect via esata rather than USB ?
If you can fit it internal then you should, you need to format the HDD with linux not with Windows.
Try fitting it back inside and then see if you can see it from HDD menu before you mount it.
I have seen simalar problems what I did was to install the hard drive internaly in the box then re flash your image and then iniatlize, then mount. worked for me
Got it working. It was a matter of disk formatting. It seems that it did not accept the HD formatted in Windows NTFS.
I downloaded Ubuntu Linux desktop version, put it on a USB stick and ran trial Linux on my laptop. I then connect the HD with external housing and USB to my laptop and was able to format the HD with Linux. I then tried it on Vu+ duo via front USB, formatted it from Vu menu and it works. I then took it out housing, installed it internal inside Vu. When I restarted, it would not record, but I did a format from Vu menu again and now it works perfect....

Thanks for the help.

PS. what are all the square boxes with text in timer recording screen ??